Justice League NYC (JLNYC) is a multi-disciplinary task force of juvenile and criminal justice experts, artists, educators, direct service providers, activists, and formerly incarcerated individuals, brought together under the auspices of The Gathering for Justice, a social justice organization founded by Harry Belafonte.

Operating as a coalition, members conjoin their areas of expertise and resources in an intentional effort to reform the criminal and social justice system in New York City, California, and across the world. Justice League NYC is an intergenerational and community-led movement that believes in and embodies the principles of Kingian nonviolence. As catalysts for community change, we recognize the power of our elders’ wisdom and the youth’s energy to achieve great impact on the larger society.

One of JLNYC’s first projects, “Growing Up Locked Down” - a 3 Day Juvenile Justice Conference held at The New School in September 2014, produced more than 600 attendees. Other notable actions include a rapid and active response that followed the non- indictment of Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner, March2Justice- a 9-day, 250-mile march from NYC to Washington DC, Raise The Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill, Take a Knee Campaign, and much more. We believe in working with all stakeholders, for the benefit of the beloved community, that are aligned with ending mass incarceration.

For more information contact justiceleaguenyc@gatheringforjustice.org