Justice University was established in 2014, spurred by the transformative events following the tragic incident involving Eric Garner. It emerged as an urgent response to the needs of the community, providing a series of training sessions that sought to enlighten individuals of all ages who harbored a deep passion for activism across the United States. At the heart of these trainings is the philosophy of Kingian Nonviolence, which serves as a foundation for civic engagement, community organizing and direct action.
Justice University extends beyond mere education; it endeavors to equip participants with the tools and insights necessary to construct an inclusive and equitable agenda that addresses the pressing challenges faced by marginalized communities. This comprehensive curriculum delves into various aspects of activism, such as civic engagement, direct action strategies, community organizing techniques and more. By exploring these subjects, Justice University empowers its participants to become catalysts for positive change in their communities.
Justice University has emerged as a transformative force, captivating organizers, activists, young individuals, and those directly affected by the burdens of incarceration, poverty, and violence. With its rigorous curriculum designed to educate both youth and adults, Justice University pays homage to the profound legacy of past and present movements. Drawing inspiration from historical milestones like the Freedom Schools of the Civil Rights Movement and pioneering organizing incubators such as the Highlander Folk School, our university combines these historical parallels with contemporary frameworks, cutting-edge content, and the integration of modern technology. Moreover, Justice University places a strong emphasis on the invaluable role of intergenerational leadership, recognizing the power that emerges from collaboration and shared wisdom across generations.
For any questions about Justice University and joining our 2023 program, please contact admin@gatheringforjustice.org